



原版請至 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtjYOVzGfdw



千本桜 (千本櫻*)

歌.初音ミク (初音未來)

* 『本』為日文中計算樹木的單位,故『千本櫻』原意即為『一千顆櫻樹』


daitanfuteki ni haikara kakumei
Fearless westernized revolution

磊々落々 反戦国家
光明磊落 反戰國家
rairairakuraku hansenkokka
Open and candid, an anti-war country

hinomaru jirushi no nirinsha korogashi
Riding the two-wheeled vehicle of Hinomaru (circle of the sun)

悪霊退散 ICBM
惡靈退散 ICBM*
akuryoutaisan ICBM
Evil dispersing, ICBM
* Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile,為一種射程5500公里以上的洲際飛彈


環状線を走り抜けて 東奔西走なんのその
行盡環狀線 東奔西跑又算得上什麼
kanjousen wo hashiri nukete touhonseisou nan no sono
Riding through the looping track, bustling around is just nothing.

少年少女戦国無双 浮世随(まにま
少年少女戰國無雙 與世沉浮
shounenshoujo sengokumusou ukiyo no manima ni
Young boys and girls are like sengoku warriors, drifting with the tide.


千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君ノ声モ届カナイヨ
千本櫻瓣紛落於夜色之中 你的聲音也傳不到這
senpon zakura yoru ni magire kimi no koe mo todoka nai yo
Thousand cherry trees disappear into the darkness. Your voices cannot reach here either.

此処は宴 鋼の檻 その断頭台で見下ろして
此處正逢盛宴 鋼鐵的欄籠 請你登上那架斷頭台吧
koko wa utage hagane no ori sono dantoudai de mi oroshite
Here holds a party. Steel and cage. Look down from that execution platform.

三千世界 常世之闇 嘆ク唄モ聞コエナイヨ
大千世界 天堂的闇冥 嘆息的歌聲這也聽不到
sanzen seikai tokoyo no yami nageku uta mo kikoe nai yo
The boundless world. The darkness of eternalness. The lamenting song cannot be heard.

青藍の空 遥か彼方 その光線銃で打ち抜いて
青藍的天空 遙遠的彼方 就用那把光線槍打穿吧
seiran no sora haruka kanata sono kousenjuu de uchi nuite
Blue sky and far beyond. Pierce through all of it with that ray gun.



hyakusenrenma no mitame wa shoukou
The officer with a veteran appearance

ittari kitari no oirandouchuu
Procession of courtesans walking back and forth

aitsu mo koitsu mo min’na de atsumade
Everyone, now gather together!

聖者の行進 わんっ つー さん しっ
聖者的道路 一 二 三 四
seija no koushin wan tsuu san shi
The course of saint. One Two Three Four!


禅定門を潜り抜けて 安楽浄土厄払い
穿過禪定門 安樂淨土消災解厄
zenjoumon wo kugurinukete anrakujoudo yakubarai
Passing through the court of temple. Exorcism to bring the pure land back.

きっと終幕(さいご)は大団円 拍手の合間に
終幕肯定會是大團圓 在掌聲雷動之際
kitto saigo wa daidanen hakushu no aima ni
The last scene must be big reunion, as the applause raising.


千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君ノ声モ届カナイヨ
千本櫻瓣紛落於夜色之中 你的聲音也傳不到這
senpon zakura yoru ni magire kimi no koe mo todoka nai yo
Thousand cherry trees disappear into the darkness. Your voices cannot reach here either.

此処は宴 鋼の檻 その断頭台で見下ろして
此處正逢盛宴 鋼鐵的欄籠 請你登上那架斷頭台吧
koko wa utage hagane no ori sono dantoudai de mi oroshite
Here holds a party. Steel and cage. Look down from that execution platform.

三千世界 常世之闇 嘆ク唄モ聞コエナイヨ
大千世界 天堂的闇冥 嘆息的歌聲這也聽不到
sanzen seikai tokoyo no yami nageku uta mo kikoe nai yo
The boundless world. The darkness of eternalness. The lamenting song cannot be heard.

希望の丘 遥か彼方 その閃光弾を打ち上げろ
希望之丘 遙遠的彼方 將那閃光彈射入雲霄吧
kibou no oka haruka kanata sono senkoudan wo uchi agero
The hill of hope and far beyond. Launch that flare into the sky!



環状線を走り抜けて 東奔西走なんのその
行盡環狀線 東奔西跑又算得上什麼
kanjousen wo hashiri nukete touhonseisou nan no sono
Riding through the looping track, bustling around is just nothing.

少年少女戦国無双 浮世随(まにま
少年少女戰國無雙 與世沉浮
shounenshoujo sengokumusou ukiyo no manima ni
Young boys and girls are like sengoku warriors, drifting with the tide.


千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君ノ声モ届カナイヨ
千本櫻瓣紛落於夜色之中 你的聲音也傳不到這
senpon zakura yoru ni magire kimi no koe mo todoka nai yo
Thousand cherry trees disappear into the darkness. Your voices cannot reach here either.

此処は宴 鋼の檻 その断頭台を飛び降りて
此處正逢盛宴 鋼鐵的欄籠 請你從那架斷頭台落下吧
koko wa utage hagane no ori sono dantoudai wo tobi orite
Here holds a party. Steel and cage. Perish from that execution platform!

千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君が歌い僕は踊る
千本櫻瓣紛落於夜色之中 你唱著歌而我跳著舞
senpon zakura yoru ni magire kimi ga utai boku wa odoru
Thousand cherry trees disappear into the darkness. You sing and I dance.

此処は宴 鋼の檻 さあ光線銃を撃ちまくれ
此處正逢盛宴 鋼鐵的欄籠 來吧別停下光線槍的板機
koko wa utage hagene no ori saa kousenjuu wo uchi makure
Here holds a party. Steel and cage. Don’t cease firing with that ray gun!



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